Russian volume Level up

The time to learn is today!

Are you ready?

We have created a full downloadable and printable training manual, so you could be able to level up your skills from anywhere in the world! 

Isn't it amazing?

Plus, it is cheaper, than attending face to face courses.

This course will help you save and earn at the same time!🔥

What is included?

Purchasing this online course you will be able to receive more than 80 pages of information and knowledge to help you improve your skills!

Lets start with the fact that, it is a printable manual, so you will have infinite access to it. Pay once, read it whenever and wherever.

In this manual there are 8 modules in total.

Starting with the history of Russian volume, all the types, styles and techniques of lash extensions. Information about biosafety and sanitation. Learn how to recognize and how to deal with different types of allergic reactions.  

You will learn the most important thing to know when working with Russian volume- the fan making formula! Yes, it isn't a secret formula anymore!

You will receive the information of the most popular fan forming techniques, both with pictures and detailed description.

Mapping and schemes, yes, those are there too. These, and many more other things that will help you to improve and be the best!

Manual also has a practice sheet, as well as final exams, upon which completion you will receive your licensed certificate!

After finishing the course you also will be included in a private lash master group chat!

Sounds great, right? Then what are you waiting for?

         Click the button at the top of this page and get ready to learn!🔥